
We are curating more and more resources for new credit union charters. If you or your company can provide free or greatly discounted services for a de novo please contact Denise Wymore at


Shared Services for De Novos and Small Credit Unions

How can we help you do more with less?

Aux serves those who value collaboration, the get-things-doners, and the ones who find a way to make it work in challenging times. Those who passionately believe in the future of credit unions. Those who often struggle with resources.

Aux Logo - Doing the Hard Work For You


Brian Gately, ICUDE

Brian has helped a number of groups get thier credit unions organized and chartered. He began is credit union career with the NCUA from their he spent four years working in Bolivia at WOCCU and then spent 15 years with Inclusiv.



Scholarship Programs for De Novos

CU*Answers is a CUSO headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan providing services to over 180 credit unions representing 2 million members. CU*Answers is truly a complete service provider for credit unions, offering a wide array of products to meet rapidly changing needs. Their de novo scholarship program can include, core suite, digital banking suite, electronic payments integration, vendor management, web design and hosting.

CU*Answers Logo

iDiz Incorporated

Like what you see?

This website and the CU De Novo Collective branding system were generously designed and built by iDiz Incorporated, experts in credit union branding, growth and digital marketing, websites, and more. iDiz Inc. is proud to provide hosting and ongoing support in these and many other ways for the Collective's important mission.

Policy Pro

Free access to policies and procedures from CU PolicyPro®

CU PolicyPro® is an online system with more than 230 detailed model policies and procedures to help credit unions manage today’s ongoing compliance and operational challenges.

In addition to the model content, CU PolicyPro includes a comprehensive policy management system! The system includes a beautiful, modern, and easy-to-navigate design to help all users easily find, view, and print both model policies and the credit union’s own customized policies. System administrators and policy editors have a whole toolbox to create, maintain and distribute policies, assign and track policy updates and reviews, upload and share additional documents, view and confirm relevant model policy updates, and manage user access to the policy level.

CU PolicyPro® has generously offered to provide free access for De Novo credit unions!

Many thanks to PolicyPro and the board of League InfoSight!


Discounted back office support for new charters.

Xtend is part of the network and has been prividing back office support services to credit unions of all sizes since 2002. The CU*Answers de novo scholarship program partners with Xtend to provide shared resources (call center, back office, outbound member communication, etc.)